One of the first things a visitor from the community notices in our worship services is the absence of a piano, organ, or band. Thus, one religious error we are often called on to answer is that of using mechanical instruments of music in worship. Let us consider Biblical principles that will enable us to “give an answer” to those who are involved in this religious error.
The way we worship is important! According to Jesus’ words in John 17:17, worship “must” be offered “in spirit” (proper heart) and “in truth” (according to God’s word cf. Jn. 17:17). Thus, the questions regarding the employment of mechanical instruments of music in worship is of vital importance.
What The Issue Is Not
Many things people say in regard to the issue of mechanical instruments of music in worship are simply not so. To accurately give an answer, consider some things the issue with mechanical instruments of music in worship is not.
The issue is not that we do not have music in our worship.Even many well-intentioned brethren will tell people, “We don’t have music.” Not so! Music is defined as, “The art and science of combining vocal or instrumentalsounds or tones in varying melody…” (Webster’s New World College Dictionary). There are two kinds of music – vocal (a cappella) and instrumental. We do have music – singing!
The issue is not that we do not have an instrument in worship.In worship, we do use an instrument – the human voice played on the strings of the heart (Eph. 5:19). However, we do not use mechanicalinstruments of music (e.g. piano, organ, guitar) in our worship.
The issue is not that we do not use a mechanical instrument as a matter of tradition.Some claim that not using mechanical instruments is just our tradition. If they mean that we do not employ the mechanical instrument because of a “tradition of men,” they are incorrect (Mk. 7:8). However, if one is speaking of the “tradition” received from the apostles, they are correct (2 Thess. 2:15).
The issue is not that we just want to be different.Refusing to use a mechanical instrument is not an idea of men intended to distinguish us from the denominations. However, it should be noted that those following the commands of our Lord are a “peculiar” people (Titus 2:14; 1 Pet. 2:9).
The issue is not that we do not have enough money to purchase a mechanical instrument or someone who can play it.It is notan issue of having enough moneyto buy one; rather it isan issue of not having enough authorityto use one. Further, every congregation with which I have been associated has had at least one person who could play a mechanical instrument.
The issue of a using mechanical instrument of music in worship does not involve these things we have noted. However, these are things that people often try to use to muddy the waters on the topic. In next week’s issue of the Water Of Life, we will consider some other arguments you may be called upon to answer regarding this religious error.
David Eldridge