The Seven Churches Of Asia – 6/10/18

This week, we begin a series of bulletin articles on the seven churches of Asia which the Lord spoke to in Revelation 2-3. Before we begin a discussion of each of the seven churches, let us take note of some reasons why we should study these letters to the seven churches.

These Letters Contain Teachings We Need To Hear:At the conclusion of each of the letters to the churches at Asia, the Lord speaks these words: “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches” (Rev. 2:7, 11, 17, 29; 3:6, 13, 22). Through the use of this phrase, the Lord is expressing the idea that these words, though written to these seven specific congregations, are profitable to all Christians in every time. The lessons they teach are things we need to hear! Since we have an ear to hear, let us give heed to the things written to these seven churches of Asia.

The Problems Faced By The Seven Churches Are Problems Facing The Church Today:Upon reading chapters two and three of the book of Revelation, it is easy to see that the things these churches faced in the 1st century are some of the same that we face in the 21st century. The letters to the seven churches talk about issues such as unfaithfulness, persecution, lackadaisical service to God, false doctrine, and the list goes on. Our brethren then were facing many of the same problems that we are today. It is profitable to study these letters, for through them we find both admonishment and encouragement for the difficulties we face.

These Letters Provide Us With Encouragement:The things written to the seven churches of Asia provide us with encouragement to be more faithful to the Lord. These words penned nearly 2,000 years ago are still relevant and timely for us today. When we see what our brethren then had to endure, it should give us more patience. When we see the promises the Lord gives, it should make us more faithful. When we note the condemnation of the wicked, it should cause us to abstain from evil. The letters to the seven churches are important for us today as they encourage us to live more godly lives.

These Letters Remind Us That The Lord Knows This Church:The Lord said He “walks in the midst of the seven golden lampstands” which “are the seven churches” (Rev. 1:20-2:1). Reading through these letters, you will note that the Lord saw everything each church did and did not do. The Lord is intimately familiar with all our works as a church here. There is not a moment that we escape His watchful eye and attention.

David Eldridge