Baptism is an easily understood Bible subject discussed throughout the New Testament. It is sad to see so many who have a misunderstanding of the purpose of this act of obedience. The only way to arrive at a conclusion as to the purpose of baptism is to look to the Scriptures which contain all we need in order to be pleasing in the sight of God (2 Timothy 3:16,17).
The Purpose of Baptism is Not…
Sometimes it is helpful in understanding what something is to first note some things it is not. The purpose of baptism is not…
To show everyone that you’ve already been saved:Many times you will hear people refer to baptism as an outward sign of an inward feeling or grace. Where do you find that language in the Bible? There is not one passage of Scripture that can be found to show that salvation comes prior to Baptism – if so, where is it? Every time you find baptism mentioned with a gift (i.e. salvation, forgiveness, rejoicing, etc.) baptism always precedes the gift. God knew what he was doing when through the Holy Spirit he moved the apostles to write these things. Yes, baptism has attached to it the symbolism of the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ, but it is through this act that God allows us to die to sin and rise to walk in newness of life (Romans 6:3-6).
To add one to a local congregation: Some churches teach that one is added to the local church by their baptism. Once again, where is this found in Scripture? We see that one is added to the church universal upon being baptized (Acts 2:48), but baptized individuals sought to join, not be baptized into, a local church (Acts 9:26-28). If it were the case that one is baptized in order to join a local congregation into what congregation was the Ethiopian baptized on the deserted road going down to Gaza in Acts 8? One is not baptized in order to be added to a local church.
The Purpose of Baptism is…
Having considered some things that are not the purpose of batism, let us now consider what the Scriptures teach the purpose of baptism is. The purpose of baptism is…
To receive the forgiveness of your sins:The Scriptures teach over and again that one is baptized (as act of obedience, not merit) that God may forgive their sins. Jesus promised it (Mark 16:16), Peter preached it (Acts 2:28), and he later affirmed to be true (I Peter 3:21). We should not be confused as to the fact that it is at the point of baptism that God, moved by His grace and mercy, pardons us of our past wrongs.
To be added unto the Lord’s body:Another blessing that we receive upon submitting ourselves to this command of God is being added to the Lord’s body (Acts 2:48), and being placed into Christ (Galatians 3:26,27). This is of vital importance for Ephesians 1:3 teaches that all the spiritual blessings God affords us are found only in Christ Jesus. If you want to receive the blessings of God and be a member of the Lord’s church, you must be born again by the word and the waters of baptism (Ephesians 5:26).
Friends, the Bible is clear on this subject – we should be too. Let us hear God’s word, believe in Jesus, repent of our sins, and be baptized to have those sins washed away!
David Eldridge