“I charge you therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who will judge the living and the dead at His appearing and His kingdom: Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching” (2 Tim. 4:1-2). With these words, Paul gives Timothy one of the most solemn charges given in Scripture. Consider some things we learn from this great charge.
What To Do – “Preach The Word”: The word “preach” means to herald or to proclaim. There is a message that needs to be proclaimed and heralded across the world. What is that message? It is the word of God! It is sad to see that there are many, even those claiming to be gospel preachers, who proclaim and herald just about anything and everything but the word. May we ever stand firm in the knowledge and determination that the preaching of man’s wit, wisdom, and philosophies cannot fulfill this charge! Why? Only the word is inspired by God (2 Tim. 3:16-17). Only the word is God’s power to save the soul (Rom. 1:16). Only the word can build up and establish (Ac. 20:32; 2 Pet. 1:12). Only the word will be the standard of Judgment (Jn. 12:46; Rom. 2:16). Only the word points the way to eternal life (Jn. 6:68). Those who preach need only proclaim one thing – the word of God!
When To Preach The Word – “Be Ready In Season And Out Of Season”: There is a planting season for everything. To plant corn seed in the spring would be “in season,” and it should bring forth fruit. To plant corn in the dead of winter would be “out of season,” and it would not bring forth fruit. The word of God is the seed (Lk. 8:11). The apostle is charging the preacher to be ready to preach the word all the time. When it is “in season,” bringing forth fruit as souls are converted and strengthened, preach the word! When it is “out of season,” and folks refuse to hear and obey the word, keep preaching the word! Those who preach need to preach the word all the time!
How To Preach The Word – Convince, Rebuke, And Exhort: These three things are the means by which the word of God is to be preached. Convincing is to expose sin and convict the one guilty of it. Rebuking involves chiding or censuring (criticizing or condemning) severely the one who is involved in sin. Exhorting is calling or inviting a person to take the right path before God. Though two of these (convincing and rebuking) may be viewed as negative preaching, all three are needed. Those who preach the word need to do so by means of convincing, reproving, and exhorting!
David Eldridge