Our Lord Himself taught, “But you, do not be called ‘Rabbi’; for One is your Teacher, the Christ, and you are all brethren. Do not call anyone on earth your father; for One is your Father, He who is in heaven. And do not be called teachers; for One is your Teacher, the Christ” (Matt. 23:8-10). In almost every denomination that surrounds us, this simple command of the Lord is disregarded. They place titles upon their preachers to denote a higher place for them – a so-called “clergy-laity distinction.” There is no doubt, and it should be taught, that preachers are to be respected for the work that they do (1 Cor. 16:18; Phil. 2:29). However, we are all brethren and no preacher should have a title of distinction attached to his name. Let’s notice a few of the more common titles given to preachers that are abused by the religious world in this regard.
Father: Those in the Roman Catholic denomination refer to their preachers as “father.” However, Jesus plainly commanded, “do not call anyone on earth your father” (Matt. 23:9). Using this term to address a man in a religious sense is an outright violation of the commandment of our Lord, and as such, it is sin. Some will try to argue that since children call their parent “father,” the two would stand or fall together. Surely, there is nothing wrong with referring to our earthly parent as father – Paul spoke of physical “fathers” in Ephesians 6:2. However, to call a man “father” as a religious title, is in error and clearly condemned in Scripture. Do not call the preacher “father” unless you’re his child!
Reverend: Some will refer to their preacher as “Reverend.” Did you know that the Bible only uses the word “reverend” once? It is found in Psalm 111:9. There, David said of God, “Holy and reverend is His name.” Whose name is reverend? David says it is the name of the awesome God and His alone. Woe unto the man who by applying a title to himself on earth seeks to set himself as an equal to God in Heaven! To refer to a man on earth as “reverend” is verging on, if not outright, blasphemy. Do not call the preacher “reverend,” that is reserved for God’s name, and His name alone!
Pastor: Many, in referring to their preacher, will call him their pastor. This is perhaps the most common religious title given to preachers today. In Ephesians 4:11 Paul wrote, “And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers.” This word pastor is indicative of an overseer or shepherd. The pastor is an elder of the local church. Unless a man meets the qualifications of 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9, and was appointed by the church to such a role with a plurality of men, he is not a pastor and should not be referred to as such. A preacher could also be an elder – Peter was a preacher (Ac. 4:2) and an elder (1 Pet. 5:1). However, even for those men who hold such a role in the Lord’s church (whether a preacher or not), the word “pastor” is a description of their work, not a title to set them apart from their brethren. Do not call the preacher the “pastor,” to set him apart from everyone else.
It should also be noted that a Christian should not support false ideas or sin in calling any man by these titles. If it is wrong to use these religious titles for a gospel preacher (like me), it is also wrong to use them for anyone else (denominational preachers). Job said, “Let me not, I pray you, accept any man’s person, neither let me give flattering titles unto man” (Job 32:21). A preacher can be called a preacher, evangelist, or minister, as those are descriptions of what he does (2 Tim. 1:11; Ac. 21:8; Rom. 15:16). We are brethren and though we may do different works, we are not to have titles to elevate one above another. So, when you talk to me or about me, you can just call me by my name.
David Eldridge